CYLA Courses



CYLA 7001

Youth Leadership Ambassadors

This program invites local youth to participate in volunteer activities in their community in an Ambassador role, preparing them for college and adulthood. The youth meet at least five hours each month; participating in leadership skills development activities such as public speaking and problem solving and receive on-going leadership training in areas such as effective communication, public speaking, problem-solving and time management.



CYLA 7002

Character Development

A unique aspect of our program is a group counseling and guidance component that supports the social, emotional, and ethical development of youth. These Character Development workshops are designed to inspire youth to do better and be better. Canji will teach youth ways to help develop virtues and positive attributes through Character Development. The six pillars of Character Development are Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship. These pillars will facilitate the transition to healthy adulthood for our youth by instilling the basic principles of success.


CYLA 7003

Life & Employability Skills

Life Skills are an essential part of being able to meet the challenges of everyday life events youth may face. To cope with the increasing pace and changes in modern life, youth need new life skills such as the ability to deal with stress and frustration. The benefits of providing youth life skills are the positive effect it has on employability and society.

Additionally, Canji will offer Employability Skills to ensure youth are knowledgeable the skills and behaviors that are necessary to obtain and maintain employment. Successful youth in our program will walk away with the ability to self-manage, solve problems, and understand professional environments. Additionally, they will

be able to work well as part of a team, have proficient time management and be able to adapt to different roles and flexible working environments. Our overarching goal for this component is that youth will have the potential to lead by positive influence.


CYLA 7004

Conflict Resolution & Anger Management

Canji will help youth recognize options in conflict resolutions, and encourage them to choose options that are non-violent, meet the needs of people involved and improve relationships. We utilize the ABC method of Ask: What is the problem? Brainstorm Solutions. Choose the best solution. It is our goal for youth to understand that anger is a natural occasional state, yet also for our youth to identify the cause of anger. Youth will explore and build tools to navigate environmental factors that may trigger anger such as stress, financial issues, social or familial situations. Our staff will provide insight into the underlying reasons for the anger and provide coping tools, in order for youth to learn to keep their temper from commandeering their lives.



CYLA 7005

Literacy and Vocational Skills (LAVS)

A job and life skills preparedness with a special focus on our immigrant and English-Second Language participants is an educational programming component, the Literacy and Vocational Skills (LAVS) program. LAVS facilitates the development of basic literacy skills through flexible, individualized programming with the support of a qualified professional. Ultimately, it is our goal to prepare youth for college entry and build their economic viability.


CYLA 7006

Employment On-Boarding Services

An additional, and in-depth employment services component of Canji’s programming includes more hands-on approach and on the job assistance to our older youth entering the workforce. Services include job orientation support, preparing for the first day on the job, working to advocate for worksite accommodations. We also assist our youth that are still looking for jobs with resumes, cover letters, and building references. These services help participants learn and adjust to the daily workspace routine in order to develop the skills necessary to function successfully within their jobs and in the community. Monthly workshops work toward building soft and transferable skills, while other workshops include preparing for a job search, financial education training as well as disability disclosure training.




Other Courses

CYLA 7007 – Mentoring

CYLA 7008 – Child Abuse, Neglect & Abandonment

CYLA 7009 – Youth Entrepreneurship

CYLA 7010 – Public Relations

CYLA 7011 – Recruitment

CYLA 7012 – Capstone Experience for Leadership

For more information on these courses email us @

[email protected]